The Voice in the Shadows


The Voice in the Shadows

– Indomita RP Novel –

– Chapter 1 –

               He preferred to stand aside and watch in silence. He was the most silent colt of the herd. Always watching and listening. Some of the herd horses believed he may have some problems but they decided to not bother.

Ludivine, the herd leader made sign to all horses to gather and listen to him. He was old and it was time to choose a new leader for the herd. Azazel slowly walked towards the group. I hope I’m not chosen to be leader to a bunch of mindless horses, he thought for himself.

“Today I will choose the next leader, the heir”, Ludivine said. “I’ve been thinking much lately about 2 colts I consider fit for this role, Arapaho and Azazel.”

Hearing this Azazel didn’t look pleased. Ludivine was a weak stallion who believed in the goddess Lumen. Because of that the whole herd praised Lumen who did nothing to anybody. She didn’t even made her presence felt around them and they thought she listens to them.

“Tell me Arapaho, how are you going to lead the herd? What hopes you have from your future and your herd?” asked Ludivine.

“I will lead the herd with the help of Lumen, our beloved goddess”, said Arapaho turning to face the herd. “I will protect the weak ones and guide them to Lumen. I will never let my anger to cloud my judgment and I will be fair towards any horse no matter what.”

The herd was pleased with his words and they cheered for Arapaho. Clearly the herd liked him more. Now I have the chance to get away from them.

“And how about you Azazel? How are you going to lead the herd?”

Azazel was not the type to leave responsibilities. If it was meant for him to be the new leader he had to accept.

“I believe the herd needs a change. I will lead the herd guided by the Dark God Umbra. I will help those in need and make them strong willed and sure on their own strength. I will teach the foals how to survive and face all the challenges and I will protect all the mares from any stallion who will try to get closer to them.”

The herd was shocked and scared. They couldn’t believe they had a follower of Umbra between them. Ludivine feared him too. He always avoided the followers of Umbra believing the Dark God would attack the herd or hurt the heir. Gah, I knew you are all just a bunch of no brain horses. I want to lead horses, not sheep, thought Azazel disappointed in the herd.

“I understand.” finally said Ludivine. “I will think about your responses and decide the heir in a few days.”

Pff, you said you choose him today. What a pathetic excuse. Azazel was mad at the herd. It was clear they didn’t want him as leader. He knew they feared him as much as they feared Umbra. After a few more hours the night came to reign once again giving Azazel time to think about his future.

His thought had been interrupted by the sounds around him. He heard movement and something that seemed like a voice. He could swear he saw a shadow moving in front of him. The wind intensified making him realize something was there. Something that came to whisper him.

Meanwhile the herd gathered again to decide what to do with the outsider, Azazel.

“Umbras followers are cruel and they never think twice when it comes to kill. If somebody from the herd will not agree with him, I’m sure Azazel will kill him with cold blood.” said a scared mare. She sat on the ground lowering her body as much as she could. She feared Azazel would come and tear her in peaces. She shook her head trying to get that image away and continued. “This is why he is so silent. He was guided by Umbra all this time. It’s just a matter of time until Azazel will have the strength to kill us all.”

“Ludivine, you have to chase him out. I will gather all the herd and we will assault Azazel when he is not prepared. Is our only chance.”

“Very well. One mare will remain with the yearlings. The rest of you, come with me.” said Ludivine trying to get his moral up. Even he was afraid. And he was the leader.

They looked around searching for Azazel. He was nowhere. Panic raised between the herd members thinking at the most macabre scenarios. An yearling raised sleepy his head.
“Azazel is gone. He left the herd.”

Azazel galloped in the dense forest not sure about what he will do in the future. Even if he was just an yearling he had the stamina to run miles with no stop. He let himself guided by the dark shadow letting it to show the way. The sun almost raised and he stopped at a shrine. He laid down to rest and closed his eyes. The voice again enshrouded him. It was his voice. Umbra’s voice…